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Curriculum Interventions

A range of curriculum interventions are delivered at Evolve Academy, to support pupil progression. This includes Music therapy. We recognise the importance music can play in school life and a child’s development. Music has the capacity to aid self-esteem, develop individual confidence, progress inner creativity and provide opportunities for challenge and achievement.


  • Music Content+

    Music at Evolve is delivered through music therapy sessions. It is purposefully blended to offer pupils an eclectic learning experience, offering more traditional learning styles using traditional instruments such as keyboards, guitars and percussion to music that gives pupils the chance to perform using steel drums, online studios and recording equipment; all with the intention of engaging pupils and offering a new insight into music they may not have previously experienced.

Get in Touch

Head Teacher Matthew Long (Head of School)

Executive Head Teacher Mark Richardson

Evolve Academy

St. George's Road
West Yorkshire

Telephone01924 200752


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