Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
What is our school ethos towards students with Special Educational Needs?+
At Evolve Academy we offer a nurturing, safe inclusive and friendly environment where the building of trusting relationships is paramount. We have extremely high expectations and our students achieve good progress across the curriculum, with an emphasis placed on improving reading, writing and maths skills through personalised and creative learning opportunities.
We have a broad, creative curriculum that enables all students, regardless of need, to achieve their potential and thrive in their new schools. The curriculum aims to practically support students; building strong foundations for positive emotional health and well-being by providing opportunities to further enhance and celebrate their many skills and talents. Students are fully integrated into all aspects of school life, including the extended curriculum, e.g. school visits and after school activities. Students previously disengaged from education, re-engage with a new-found enthusiasm and zest for learning.
How do you get a place at Evolve Academy?+
Content coming soon…
How do you support transition for SEND pupils?+
Transition to Evolve Academy involves working closely with the previous setting and SENDACT to ensure the academic and SEMH information is shared and needs are being met. Parents and student are encouraged to visit in order for a smooth transition to begin. Transition support from Evolve Academy into mainstream provision is allocated through Ethos Academy Trust Outreach service. Liaison with parents and the receiving setting is made and a detailed transitional support programme is identified within the transition support plan.
Who should you talk to if your child needs extra help?+
In the first instance, please talk to your child’s class teacher who will be happy to discuss your concerns with you or arrange a meeting with the Executive and Deputy SENDCo. You can also contact the Executive SENDCo (Kate Lyell) and Deputy SENDCo (Jane Partington) directly on 01924 200752. You can also speak to the Headteacher or Trustee responsible for inclusion.
How do we identify a child has additional needs?+
Early identification of pupils’ needs is a priority. On entry to the school each child’s aptitudes and abilities will be assessed, and as the children continue through their time with us, the academy will use appropriate screening and assessment tools to ascertain pupil progress.
Assessment data will include:
- Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessment.
- Information from Parents.
- Children’s performance in National Curriculum subjects.
- Pupil progress in relation to next steps and targets for literacy and Maths.
- Aassessment tools providing reading, spelling and mathematical ability ages
- Records from previous settings.
- Information from parents.
- Reports from external agencies, such as a Psychologist, CAMHs and Speech Therapy.
How will you support my child if they have additional needs?+
Early identification of pupils’ needs is a priority. On entry to the school each child’s aptitudes and abilities will be assessed, and as the children continue through their time with us, the academy will use appropriate screening and assessment tools to ascertain pupil progress.
Assessment data will include:
- Evidence obtained by teacher observation/assessment.
- Information from Parents.
- Children’s performance in National Curriculum subjects.
- Pupil progress in relation to next steps and targets for literacy and Maths.
- Assessment tools providing reading, spelling and mathematical ability ages
- Records from previous settings.
- Information from parents.
- Reports from external agencies, such as a Psychologist, CAMHs and Speech Therapy.
What is the Graduated and Person Centered Approach?+
Graduated and personalised interventions contribute to the positive outcomes for children and young people. The Trust is committed to the promotion of inclusive support, raising standards for children with SEMH needs and improving their life chances.
A graduated approach to meeting the needs of pupils is adopted. Pupils and their parents are at the centre of this process and are fully involved at each and every stage. There will be a focus on pupil well-being as well as academic achievement. Evolve Academy promotes exceptional outcomes for pupils, using person centred approaches based on the Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle:
- Step 1 SEN Support – Where support, additional to that of normal class provision is required in order for your child to ‘catch up’ with his peers, your child will be given SEN Support. This will usually involve your child working on an accelerated learning programme for a set period of time and may also include some additional 1-1 support led by the teacher or Inclusion Worker. If, after monitoring, it is felt that advice from specialist professionals (Educational Psychology, Speech and Language, etc.) is needed, this will be discussed with you and any interventions or support programmes planned for your child will be informed by the advice from the specialist professionals.
- Step 2 – Education, Health and Care Plans– Where concerns remain, despite sustained intervention, the school will consider requesting an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The EHCP will set out in detail your child’s strengths as well as areas of need and detail the provision for your child in the areas of education, health and social care.
What provision is available at Evolve Academy to support your child's needs?+
At every stage of the above graduated approach, the school will ensure delivery of the provision detailed therein and hold regular reviews with parents and children (as age appropriate) of the appropriateness and success of that provision. For details of specific interventions, please speak to your child’s class teacher or the SENDCO.
Evolve Academy is an inclusive provision and may offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND. throughout the curriculum and within daily practice. Boxall assessments identify developmental and diagnostic needs in order to target specific SEMH needs through key interventions
- Across Evolve Academy the six principles of nurture are clearly evident within all aspects of the learning environment, threaded
- Access to an inclusive and supportive learning environment, with additional help, resources and support by class teacher or inclusion worker.
- Periods of withdrawal individually or in small groups to work with a inclusion worker to improve literacy and maths
- Support from specialists within class or as part of an accelerated learning programme.
- Pastoral care to reduce anxiety, promote social skills, positive behaviour and emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents)
- Access to strategies/programmes to support, speech and language, occupational therapy, physiotherapy needs
- Provision to facilitate and support access to the curriculum.
- Access to Medical Interventions and support
- Support to improve attendance
When will you have the opportunity to discuss you child's progress?+
The progress of children at every stage of the graduated approach will be tracked and reviewed using assessment data and observations. Those children receiving SEN support will have a My Support Plan (MSP) which will be reviewed with full involvement of the child and the parents.
How will you support me to support my child's learning?+
Your child’s class teacher can usually offer suggestions of ways in which to help your child. Please also ask for ideas when you meet with the SENDCo at the annual review meetings. If outside agencies are supporting your child’s needs, they often provide support programmes to be worked on at home. Support for parents and carers is also offered through parent events, newsletters, regular phone calls/texts, SEN review meetings and termly coffee afternoon
Further information can be found on our Twitter pages:
What specialist services and expertise are available at or are accessed by the school to support?+
Although we don’t have specialist teachers on the premises, our pupils do have access to a range of services offered within Wakefield. We are currently working with colleagues in the professions of occupational therapy and physiotherapy, sensory impairment, behaviour support, medical professionals, counselling services and CAMHS.
We also liaise with the Parent Partnership Service to support families with children who have additional needs (see link below). We pride ourselves at Evolve Academy as being welcoming and fully co-operative with any external agencies involved in the care of your child. We always carry out any individualised/personalised programmes they prescribe and sustain good working relationships with all such agencies.
How accessible is the school environment for my child?+
- All of the school is accessible to children with a physical disability, due to access via a ramp to the student entrance,
- We have disabled toileting facilities.
- Class allocations are adapted to ensure rooms are accessible for children with disabilities
- We ensure that the equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.
- The school has staff trained to suit children with a range of needs.
If you require any further clarification on any of these points please refer to our trust SEND policy, Accessibility Plan or, if you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or the SENDCo (Sue Wight)
Kirklees Local Offer is aimed at providing information about the support and services that children and young people aged 0-25, who have special educational needs and disabilities, and their families can access within Kirklees.